Anxiety Therapy

Anxiety Therapy

“Smile, Breathe, and Go Slowly.”

Anxiety is like watching a scary movie and bracing yourself to be afraid, but nothing happens, so you’re just constantly on-edge waiting.  Then there’s panic attacks which literally feel like your dying. You go to the hospital only to find out “there’s” nothing wrong with you.  The sense of always being a little afraid that an anxiety attack is waiting around the corner.  They come on seemingly out of nowhere and you feel that shortness of breath, the pounding chest, the feeling the walls are closing in and you need out NOW! Anxiety attacks can be terrifying.

Other forms of anxiety are less panicky and more generalized. It  gets in the way of ever feeling truly relaxed. You are constantly worried about something in the future, and are overthinking so many things in your life. Many people come to counseling because they  are worried about how they will seen by others or will perform in social situations. When you’re anxious, it really is miserable. You can never enjoy the moment because your body is tense, and your mind is constantly telling you how things can and will go wrong!

Freedom from paralyzing anxiety is possible and is the expected outcome of treatment with Rapid Recovery Counseling. We will work together to identify the thought patterns, underlying traumas, and stressors that are driving your anxiety.

Why am I so anxious?

The thing about anxiety is that it actually is trying to help us. Anxiety is our body’s system of alerting us to threats to our safety and to motivate us for survival. In the grips of anxiety, our brain and body really can’t tell the difference between the fear of embarrassing ourselves and the threat to our physical safety. The system, meant to work for us, actually begins to work against us. The system that gives us nerves and adrenaline to help us focus say for a test or public speaking, fails to shut off. It stays activated, causing us to stay up all night thinking about tomorrow and what could go wrong.

What to expect from Anxiety Treatment

People that are anxious are anxious about being anxious. Wait, what? Yes; anxious about being anxious. You may be worried that you will be judged, or that your anxiety is too strange to be understood and treated. I can assure you this is not the case. Whether your anxiety is generalized (meaning that you experience it on a daily basis, related to many different things), in social situations, or related to a specific phobia, we can work together to help you find freedom.

At Rapid Recovery Counseling I like to treat anxiety in two ways. First, I like to apply Accelerated Resolution Therapy to help you experience a rapid reduction in your symptoms. If you are seeking treatment for a phobia, you may only need one or two ART sessions. After using ART, we will develop and practice coping strategies such as breathing and mindfulness techniques that will become a natural part of your day to day living. The goal is to get you in and out of counseling quickly and with confidence to live free from the levels of anxiety that have been so hard to manage.

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Nags Head, NC 27959

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